International Women's Day, all you marvelous womens out there! <3
I left the kid-stickers on the one back window of new-to-me car, but I got most of the other random inspection stickers and other gunkage scraped off the rest of car today - Goo Gone worked like a charm, thankee :D
Verdict from the doctor today is yes, probably a mild
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Someone suggested maybe I had Fibromyalgia back when I was trying to figure out what the heck was going on, and when I looked up the symptoms everything matched up perfectly with Chronic Myofascial Pain, which often occurs with FM or can also occur independently. There's a book I found pretty helpful Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain that goes over the three conditions in pretty good detail, as well as what happens when they overlap when people have two or more. I'm hoping I'm not in the early stages of developing one of the other two, but almost all of my symptoms have improved quite a bit since I started doing the massage treatment and tennis balls ^^ I hope your symptoms aren't too severe - full blown FM doesn't sound fun at all D:
Tennis ball therapy is really just a handy, inexpensive way to do self massage - supposed to be quite helpful for Fibromyalgia, too, especially if you have associated myofascial trigger points, although you have to be more careful to go gently: Tennis ball massage for Fibromyalgia
I'll have to do a tennis ball post; a few other folks were curious too.
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