Three things make a post!

Dec 14, 2018 10:10

1. I have made a Pillowforte. fort. thing. Haven't done much yet since it's running super slow due to being a little overwhelmed and still a baby site, but it is there and I've found a few folks and added them, and I know there've been a few others on there that scrolled past on tumblr that I lost track of - feel free to look me up if you're on there - playswithworms is the name, I have no game, or something. (Also, if you have changed names on tumblr several times I may or may not have any idea who you are, lol - I still think of everyone as their original LJ handles for the most part).

2. Have been home with a cold for a few days and binge watched "The Dragon Prince" on Netflix, super cute! Things I like:
More than one female character! It's...not quite 50:50, maybe, but I believe it's approaching it quite closely!
A plotline I mostly follow!
A kickass awesome character who is deaf and they use sign language and have an interpreter, and it's not heavy-handed (ha! I meant to do that) or overdone, just part of the story.
All the characters are fun and interesting and quirky and I like getting to know them
Everyone, including kings, baby-talks to their animal companions
Affectionate step-family and sibling relationships
Season 1 doesn't resolve all the threads (Season 2 is in the works), but ends on a satisfying note.

3. I have been running! Sort of, anyway. This is in an attempt to avoid having to take blood pressure medication, which doesn't seem to agree with me very well. My job keeps me pretty active, except for this time of year, but it's not usually aerobic-type activity, just a lot of continuous walking around. I downloaded one of those "Couch to 5K" apps that steps you up with gradually increasing bits of jogging vs walking and (until I came down with cold) have been heading out to a tiny local park to run(ish). The trail is soft enough it hasn't bothered my knees or feet so far, and I get to check out trees and plants and a nice burbly stream and occasional wildlife, so it's fairly easy to convince myself to do it. The only thing is it does have a huge stand of around 20 or so mature dead ash trees, wiped out by the emerald ash borer the last few years, so that adds an extra spice of danger! Yeesh. I don't go if there are high winds. So far I've made it to three-minute continuous runs, and it's fun to feel like I've developed a wee bit of stamina. The boobs are a bit of a pain - I have a jogging bra that isn't too bad if I put it on over my shirt and the whole kaboodle, instead of wearing it right next to my skin, but this time of year my coat works just as well to keep everything from flopping about too much. I'm a little self-conscious because I don't have any "jogging" clothes, and the park is right behind a big fitness center and there I am jogging around in my khaki work pants and hiking boots, lol, but usually there's no one else on the trail.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment wherever you wish.

pillowfort, health, rl

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