
Oct 01, 2018 21:21

Finally gave in a couple of days ago and turned on the heat when nighttime temps started dipping into the upper 40's, and now tonight I just turned on the air conditioning again because the house it still all hot and stuffy from the 80's today.

In other exciting news, I gave the bathroom a good deep scrubbing on Saturday and moved the stacks of baby bottles and feeding tubes and formula back into the spare bedroom/wildlife room - it's so nice to have one room in the house all clean and organized! Now I just need a couple weeks off to get the rest of the house tackled, lol. And the yard. And the garage. I still have half a pile of mulch from this spring sitting in the driveway that I didn't get finished moving before baby season hit - I've been trying to move at least a wheelbarrow a night, but with road construction going on right now (they shut down a whole section of interstate) my daily commute is taking closer to two hours than one - doesn't leave much time after ingesting foods and taking care of the wildlifes. Hopefully I can get some of these kiddos released soon - the raccoon babies are absolutely trashing their pen every night, they need MORE ROOM, like a whole forest!

Ended up on emergency (human) baby sitting duty on Sunday morning - niecelet was running a fever and mom was watching her, but had a church thing she had to go to. Poor kiddo, she's a little cranky pants when she's sick - everything was the End of the World, including but not limited to: taking her temperature, taking medicine (mom finally mixed it with melted popsicle and snuck it in that way), assisting her with taking her sock off, giving her a paper towel so her popsicle didn't drip, being dripped on by the popsicle because she wouldn't take the towel, and her aunt going to the bathroom in the WRONG bathroom (she wanted me to use the big bathroom, not the little one). That was Saturday night - luckily by Sunday morning when I was on duty the medicine had kicked in and she was her normal silly funny self, some occasional stubbornness, but not sobbing-on-the-floor meltdowns every few minutes. We even played for awhile with the thermometer and took each other's temperatures (it was an armpit thermometer - the night before she wouldn't even let us touch her with it, let alone stick it in her armpit, and the under-the-tongue one was right out. I think I'm going to invest in one of those remote thermometers for mom that scans from a distance, where you don't even have to touch them, pricey but it might be worth it!)

I did manage to find enough time to catch up on a few things on my watch list on Netflix (and hide from the news): Wrinkle in Time (fun characters! Didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would though) Golden Compass (enjoyed this one more than I thought I would, although I fell asleep for the last part, so not sure what the recommendation is there, lol), and Lost in Space reboot (also very fun, although I found some parts hard to watch - fake psychologist lady freaked me out! I suspect it's just a me thing for that though).

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i'm gonna be an aunt!, rl

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