Look, it's my brain!

Aug 11, 2018 21:20

Teeny bits of it, anyway - finally feel like I'm starting to get some sanity back, as daycamps are done and I've had a few no-program days at work to get my ducks in a row. Or possums. Or something. Wildlife season hasn't slowed down one jot - still bottle feeding three late-season baby raccoons twice a day, and got in 12 teeny opossum orphans that need tube-feeding three times a day. The raccoons are nibbling on bananas and hard-boiled eggs tonight, and the opossum babies opened their eyes yesterday, so they should get the hang of lapping from a dish probably in the next week - light at the end of the tunnel!

We had major wind gusts in a storm earlier in the week, and my power went out about 2am, which means my baby wildlife incubator stopped incubating, and I had no way to warm up formula to feed anyone in the morning. Spent the rest of the night with 12 baby opossums bundled in a pillowcase under my shirt to keep them warm - it was a very squirmy night! Mot much sleeping, lol. Packed them and the three raccoons in the car first thing in the morning, along with their formula in coolers to keep it warm, and drove everyone to the nature center - was able to get the opossums fed before first program of the day, but raccoon babies were old enough that they were too freaked out by the new environment to eat anyway, so they got their breakfast later in the afternoon. Happily the power was back on by the time I got home - threw away a few things in the fridge, since I had to open it in the morning to get the formula out, but it was mostly vegetables for critters rather than human food, so not much lost. Normally losing power isn't a super big deal for me, but with teeny wildlife babies it's a logistical nightmare - really considering getting a generator, although I don't think I'd want to leave it running unattended so would probably end up carting babies to work with me anyway.

Had my usual Saturday night hangout time with niecelet and mom - niecelet is attending preschool a couple days a week and learning to write out her name. I wrote her name and my name and my mom's name and her dad's name in chalk on the back porch, and oh, the complete and utter earth-shattering joy and delight when she discovered that some of our names had THE SAME LETTERS! Hee ^_^

This entry was originally posted at https://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/195894.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

work, wildlife, i'm gonna be an aunt!, rl

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