Cussin' toddlers are gosh darn adorable

Jul 29, 2017 22:52

Was playing with Playdoh with niecelet the other day, and she was having trouble getting the lid off one of the Playdoh containers.
"Fukkin lid" she says around her pacifier. And then says it several more times, glancing up at me to see if I noticed. I managed to remain boringly non-reactive mainly because I wasn't quite sure that's what she was really saying.
"Havin' trouble getting the lid off?" I say all casual-like.
"Fukkin lid," she tells me again, in her wee little 2.75-year-old voice, managing to get the lid off herself finally. "People say that. That's a dirty word."
"Mmm. Watcha gonna make with that color?" And we moved on. XD

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i'm gonna be an aunt!, rl

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