I wrote a thing! My first non-Transformers fanfic, although it does have five giant robots that combine into an even bigger robot, requiring a harmonious melding of minds, so...hm. XD This just started rolling out in my head a few weeks ago and I realized halfway through I was pretty much re-writing "Protectobot Beginnings - Shield" in Voltron form, lol. If you go to tumblr tag #platonicvldweek there was a whole platonic Voltron challenge thing that happened to be going on, some fun stuff in there, I managed to get this one in just under the wire although I wasn't writing for the challenge specifically.
Voltron Legendary Defender:
Small Fierce ThingsRating: K+
Summary: Pidge is badly injured. Shiro does his best to angst over it, but is foiled.
Word Count: 5244
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http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/183359.html. Please comment wherever you wish.