(no subject)

Oct 21, 2016 21:06

Flu shot turned out to be good timing - one staff down with what she calls "sickness of the decade"; hopefully whatever bug it is it's included in this year's vaccine, seems to be going around. Which also meant I got to wrangle a group of 60 first graders all by myself this morning - usually we split them into classes of 30ish and rotate them through program topics in smaller groups. The kids were really well-behaved, and the parents jumped right in and helped with the hands on stuff, so it all worked out, but it made for a hectic day trying to get everything set up for two programs instead of one - ready to flop!

Mailed in my absentee ballot today - w00t! Ok, everyone can go home now, show's over, you may cease and desist with the political ads *waves hand airily* Currently watching "Addams Family Values" to avoid the constant barrage - I wonder how many other folks have bailed from mainstream TV. I was hoping to do at least a little NaNo-ing this year, but it looks like the work conference is a go (hence the absentee ballot), which...it's a cool conference, and I'm excited about it, but it also makes for a non-stop marathon of busy times until mid-November. "Slow season" seems to get more and more mythical every year, alas!

Other things this week: raccoon babies moved to outdoor pen, need to commence with the cleaning of their old crate and carrier, groundhog is holding steady as far as I can tell, acquired a new opossum - young adult, hit by a car, didn't look good the first several days but she's now doing much better - will pretty definitely survive, now just waiting to see if she'll be releasable. Niecelet's newest thing is "juggling", which consists of holding two balls, waving them up and down, and then throwing them. Much fun :D

This entry was originally posted at http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/164971.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

work, rl

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