Rocks rock!

Sep 19, 2016 21:34

I'm doing an Intro to Geology program for 60 third graders tomorrow. Interesting thing is, I never actually took geology - just absorbed a fair bit over the years, but as far as actual organized study...not so much! Our naturalist who usually taught all of the (rarely requested - we mostly focus on plants and wildlife) geology classes took a new job, so I've spent the weekend brushing up. Doesn't exactly help that a lot of the rock samples and props for the program are not labeled - is it a shale or a slate? Granite or gneiss? *stares a big pile of rocks* *pokes doubtfully* We've got a lot of cool fossils, though, so if all else fails I'll pull out the coprolites, lol. Have been re-reading mmouse's awesome and delightful Beachcomber/Perceptor geology pun fics I Bless the Rains and Igneous is Bliss in preparation - wish me luck! :D

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work, rocks rock!, rl

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