Homework and World's Cutest Niecelet

Aug 19, 2016 21:13

I watched the first several episodes of the original 90's Pokémon cartoon on Netflix today - studying up for a nature program we're doing next Saturday, comparing actual animals in the park with Pokémon critters, so totally work research, lol. Fun to watch, and parts of it are familiar now that I see it, probably caught some of it when it first came out. It's been very helpful - apparently I've been pronouncing "Rattata" all wrong, it's more Tuh-may-toe than Toe-mah-toe. Still, I also find parts of it a little disturbing, as they catch these poor critters and keep them in little balls and then these fairly sentient-seeming beings are enslaved and forced to fight each other to the point of debilitating damage, hrm. I keep reminding myself these are alienish beasties, and they turn to energy-forms in the Pokeballs so presumably they're comfy and not squashed in there, and they seem to enjoy the battles? Some of them? More like a partnership with their trainers? Hrrm...

In other news, niecelet was playing with a cupcake pan and measuring spoons, and scooping water out from the one cupcake mold I'd filled with a teeny amount of water and drinking it, and I asked if it was delicious water, and she went around the rest of the night offering everyone sips of "delicious water" - quite a mouthful for a not-quite-two-year-old, but she pronounces it very clearly, super hilarious and adorable.

Not so clear was what she wanted when she kept leading me into the bathroom and asking for a "hammer" and pointing to the sink area. She also pointed to the Neosporin on the sink, so I dabbed it on an old scrape on her knee, but she still wanted the "hammer" - but not her little plastic musical toy hammer. Her dad texted me the answer to the mystery later: they have a set of Band Aids shaped like food, and she wanted a "hamburger" Band Aid for her knee. Of course! XD

This entry was originally posted at http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/163382.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

pokemon, i'm gonna be an aunt!, rl

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