(no subject)

Dec 18, 2015 20:56

I found a little snowsuit for niecelet for Christmas - I was hoping for something like a mini-arctic expedition/baby steampunk style, but all I could find was plain pale pink. It'll do, though! Simple one-piece stick the kid in and zip up - nifty little mitten flaps for hands so gloves can't be lost. Also a pack of baby Star Wars socks and some tiny fleece pants that were on sale and are just so adorable I can't even stand it! Of course, the way things are trending, not sure if we'll see much if any snow this winter - supposed to be in the 50's around here on Christmas; hopefully she'll get a day or two use out of the snowsuit, lol.

Niecelet accomplishments unlocked: walking, putting on of hats, putting on mom and dad's shoes and tromping around in them (or attempting to do so - dad's boots are too heavy and she can pretty much sit in them), high-pitched ear-piercing screeching, locating of belly button, making of kitty sound, doggie sound, still baffled by pig snorting, but she watches my face and makes the mouth movements and it's the funniest thing ever.

Rented Jupiter Ascending from the Redbox thingy last week - enjoyed very much! Deep thought or analysis not recommended, fancy costumes, action sequences tolerable, faithful-wolf-gene-splice guardians ftw ^^ My favorite character though was the poor cheerful bureaucracy android, lol.

Haven't seen Star Wars yet, but have heard from several folks that have seen it that it's a winner, so yay!

This was on tumblr awhile back and I saved it as reference for my "Lost in Space-Time Protectobots" headcanon - they end up drifting in deep space for a long time, maybe vorns, and get pretty creative to pass time and keep from going bonkers while they're separated from First Aid, including making up songs that include a complicated choreography of tapping on one another's armor. I'd imagine Cybertronian armor would be deeper and maybe not so...whatever the word is...tonal? More thunky, since the armor's attached to lot's of other stuff. But anyway, this would be the general idea:


This entry was originally posted at http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/159356.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

i'm gonna be an aunt!, rl

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