So there I was, minding my own business, making my way through an average if extra busy week, not expecting the universe to hold any particular surprises for me, and then there was this comment on my last post - marked "suspicious comment" and hidden by LJ, of all things, but even though I didn't recognize the user name, the link in the comment just went to another LJ journel, safe enough, and so I followed it and
LOOK WHAT WAS THERE!!!! Look what this amazing wonderful person did! I am floored, and honored, and so full of squee I don't even know what to do with myself. I mean, in my wildest imagination of awesome things that were possible, I never in a million years would have imagined this!
Am I going to print out a copy and then print out Shield and then staple them all together into a totally real little book and set it next to me and gaze at it and pet it every now and then? Why yes, yes I am :D