My phone app keeps crashing every time I try to upload pictures, so doing this the old fashioned way - with a cord to the phone, whoa, weird! :P
Bunny-cat! I moved the catfood up onto the dresser to keep her out of it, and walked in to discover she'd jumped up and was munching away. Doesn't seem to have done her any harm so far, but I'm going to have to up my game to keep her out of it - I'm pretty sure cat food is not good for bunnies long term.
The tortoise and the hare - I really need to come up with names for these two! I call bunny "Inkadoodle" sometimes, but not sure if it's gonna stick. And turtle is just "Turtle-girl" which isn't all that inspired, lol.
Turtle in her new 140 gallon stock tank home - I've replaced the cinder blocks under her basking spot with smaller bricks since then to give her more underwater space - she likes to get under the basking spot and hide out. It's got a drain on the side for changing the water, which will come in handy. So fun to see her swimming around and exploring her new space!
Wild bunny babies - I have terrible luck keeping these doobers alive when they come in tiny, but happily these four were already eating solid food and ready to leave their nest when it was taken out by construction, so all I did was keep them a few days and feed them lots of dandelions and carrots and timothy hay until the weather warmed up a bit, and then released them in the back yard.
Possums! The four little ones I've had for a few weeks now, and the bigger girl came in a few days ago (the person who found her had gotten very attached - there was lots of sobbing, poor lady, so I've been sending her pics of her kid all cuddled up with her new younger siblings and doing great). Reminds me of Protectobot cuddle pile with Hot Spot in the middle, hee!
Look at that happy opossum-face! ^_^
Little raccoon boy, just a few days old when he arrived - about the same size as the bottle!
He's grown a bit over the last two weeks - now he's a bit bigger than the bottle, but his eyes won't open for another week or so.
And the two big sisters - one was dropped off at the park last Saturday, and seemed pretty healthy - I was hoping to maybe take her back and reunite with mom (it's not unusual for the babies to get left behind for a day at this age while mom naps in a tree), but the same people called with two more later in the week and one hadn't survived the night, and the one they brought in was very skinny and isn't using one of her back legs very well, although it doesn't feel broken and seems to be gradually improving.
Squirrels! I tried to clean their carrier and ended up chasing two of them all over the house. Several times. Decided they were ready to go in the outside enclosure!
Pretty spider web on a foggy morning: