Bullet Point Sunday!

Mar 08, 2015 20:57

(Except without the bullets because they keep being weird when I add them.)

I did the Humble Bundle pay what you want thing, so now I have all the MTMTE so far! Except I haven't had time to download and figure out just where I want to put them and what format - pdf? or for my Kindle app I think it's MOBI, but they don't all have a MOBI version.

Niecelet learned to roll over yesterday! And she wouldn't stop doing it - every time I put her on her back, it's floop! Belly time. Sometimes with trapped arm, lol, she hasn't quite figured out how to get that out of the way consistently. And she wants to crawl so bad! All those things she could stick in her mouth! Just out of reach! Mom and I managed a smashing rendition of "Row Your Boat" sung in a round while we were watching her - Mom has a book with a baby schedule (like the pirate code, more guidelines) that says baby should be sung to for 10 minutes, so we gave it a try, but after "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Rockabye Baby" we ran out of songs! The audience was appreciative of the ones we knew, however - we got the Happy Airplane Arms and even a bit of squealing along ^_^

Refinancing final approval thing tomorrow night. Mortgage people, coming to my house - eek! At least house just needs a good last-minute vacuum of the cat fur to be mostly presentable.

Daylight savings this morning - I've been having to get into work extra early all week for various events or to allow extra time for bad driving conditions, so it wasn't much of a transition, except brain very helpfully decided to wake me up three hours early instead of just one *yawn*

Snow is melting! And under the snow there will be epic mud. Temps in the 40's and sunny, it felt almost tropical today! Hopefully the ponds will thaw enough for my pond study class next Saturday.  Maybe there will even be froooooggsss! :D

This entry was originally posted at http://playswithworms.dreamwidth.org/130074.html. Please comment wherever you wish.

spring, i'm gonna be an aunt!, rl

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