In addition to the usual baby opossums (I'm up to 17, currently: 6 big kids outside, 1 medium kid outside, and 10 smallish babies inside still, but drinking milk from a dish and ready to start nibbling solid food), I ended up with an orphaned baby Big Brown Bat for a few days. I fed him with the sponge tip of a makeup applicator, something I'd seen done online at some other rehab centers but never tried myself, and it worked beautifully! I don't really have time to keep up with the every three hour feedings right now, and baby bats need a bit of specialized training to successfully release, so I dropped him off today with a wildlife rehabilitator who specializes in bats - was fun to take care of him for a little while, though! (Safety note: don't try this at home, kids, or at least not without gloves. Rabies is rare but totally possible with bats, and I've had my pre-exposure rabies shots.)
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