April (snow)showers

Apr 15, 2014 21:49

Half an inch of snow last night, although most of it melted right away, and a freeze warning tonight - my daffodils are looking a bit frosty!

It was a good day to stay home - managed to catch a cold, so spent most of the day cuddled on couch with kitties, reading and watching tv and coughing and sniffling. And lots of sneezing! I half thought I might be developing pollen allergies, since it's supposed to be a rough year for them, but this definitely seems to be progressing in a cold-like fashion, and I was fine all weekend outside gardening.

Tomato babies! A few of them have already succumbed to kitties digging, but still plenty. I almost planted them outside over the weekend when it was so warm - glad I waited!

Spring wildflowers - my hepatica I plantec three years ago gets more flowers every year!

Bloodroot - blooms for a few days, already done until next year!

Mama snail and her babies - they're getting big!

And she laid her third batch of eggs last week - they must store sperm or something, because she was by herself until I moved the biggest kids in a few days ago.

Milkweed seed sprouting - a little backwards, usually they send out the root tip first.

Washed some critter towels, which Toast inmediately claimed for a nap:

Let basement opossum out to roam while I cleaned her enclosure out today, and she had a great time snorfling through the dirty critter laundry. I'd like to move her outside when things warm up, but she's blind and walks in circles, and I'm not sure she'd be able to get in out of the rain or cold when she needs to.

Hm, what's for dinner...

Cauliflower, score!

Om nom nom nom

First baby of the year - I don't have time to do as much rehab as I used to, but this was a park baby, leucistic fox squirrel that fell out of tree on a cold rainy day last week (not albino because she's got dark eyes instead of pink, and areas of normal-colored fur; we've had other white squirrels in the park so it's in the gene pool). Not hurt too badly but very hypothermic, my theory is because her light fur is only the fuzzy undercoat, almost no long water-resistant guard hairs (the normal-colored fur on her head is also normal density).

On the advice of some other rehabbers I'm treating her for mange, just in case, but she doesn't have any symptoms and I'm afraid the fuzz may be genetic - hopefully she'll grow an outer layer of fur eventually so she can be released.

opossums, pics, spring, via ljapp, plants

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