Title: Protectobot Beginnings: Activation
Rating: PG
Summary: Ratchet's thoughts as he and Wheeljack bring the Protectobots online for the first time.
Wordcount: 2534
This is the last of things I have mostly written out, so ya'll are spared until next November probably :P
Ratchet had mixed feelings as he looked at the five still forms... )
Also interesting... I too made Spot being the eldest. Aid however, in my story, was the youngest with Blades being the second oldest XD LOVE how Spot came online too... how he's so active even then! Very creative storyline so far :3
It's a bit late for me, so I have to get my aft to bed, so to speak. Great ficy though!! Can't wait to see more of your work!
Yeah, Ratchet has a brother...I've got a fairly good guess who it is, but Ratchet's being evasive on confirming it for some reason. Brothers near the same age are a rare thing in my AU - since the reproduction rate has traditionally been so slow, most Cybertronians are only children, or are considered mature mechs before their creators produce a sibling. Having five all at once like this was unheard of before the war - the Autobots had no idea what they were getting in to, creating their first gestalt, and the Decepticons...well, let's just say their gestalts did not have pleasant childhoods...
Ha - I didn't even think of them as being "younger" or "older" than one another though, but I guess they are technically, by a few kliks at least. Reminds me of those shows of families with quints or sextuplets and they always make a big deal over the birth order.
Anyway, enough babbling, lol - have a good night and likewise (on work the more of it to be seeing)
I do tend to keep them in birth order for whatever reason XD Spot likes to insist that he's the oldest. He's picky on that fact.
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