One kitten launched

Jul 22, 2013 21:49

Benson went home for good with his new mom on Sunday. This is the most recent picture of him - kittens, comfy anywhere XD

I'm gonna miss the little crazy fuzzy bean, but so happy he's got a good home. Gandalf seems to be enjoying having snuggles without his little groupie butting in all the time :)

Another former kitty rescue - remember kitty with the floopy ear from last year? Owner sent me a pic of him (now named Frankie) looks like he's found his favorite niche! XD

Baby groundhog! He was fine, just needed a snack and a little downtime to recover from being trapped by dogs on a fence all day.

Opossum pouch! Blind old lady opossum, staying cool on a muggy day.

Mom decided it was time to repaint my deck. (She's retired now. Retired and she has Ideas O_O) Deck did need some pretty serious help, I was just planning to get to it once work slowed down, which doesn't seem to be happening this year. Between work and deck painting and keeping house in a slightly more civilized state than usual so as not to horrify parental unit, it's been a busy few weeks. I need to take three months off and just do house and yard stuff @_@

We also replaced the steps - poor Kettle kept walking in circles, trying to figure out why she wasn't going up XD

The finished product, complete with stairs and everything! The upgoer works again, Kettle is happy. Used a nifty "deck restore" paint, the texture of quicksand and a bit of a pain to work with, but it should last for a very long time.

Swallowtail butterfly on the bee balm in a little prairie patch restoration.

Queen of the prairie back when it was blooming at the end of June.

Tree tragedy - the big beautiful hackberry tree on the side of my house split, and laid a big chunk on the neighbor's house. It must have peeled down very slowly though, because there was very little damage and neither neighbor nor I heard a thing. We share the tree as it's right on the property line, and it's probably going to have to be taken down :(

Brought in one of the branch chunks after they got the main part cleared from the roof - best scratching post ever.

Only one skunk in the kitchen now -Jazzarazz getting her nails trimmed. A delicate operation as she's very sweet and shy... and sometimes bites. Only twice ever, but I go gently and leave a wide safety margin around the bitey end ;) (the non-bitey end is descented, so no worries there).

Toast has started doing this adorable thing where if he wants head scritchings he sits on my lap and tilts his head at me and holds it there. Pic is a little blurry as it was hard to catch him in the act so close up. It absolutely slays me every time (and if course it works, and Toast gets his scritchings, so it's only been reinforcing the behavior, hee!)

stray kitty, opossums, kettle, pics, plants, groundhog, skunk, wildlife, kitty, via ljapp, jazz the skunk

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