Effects (optional): Either terror or the intense desire to protect someone
Warnings: Violence, probable blood and gore in comments, lots of creepiness and twisted flirtation
Additional Notes: If you want to get involved with this, be sure you've filled out his profile meme because he'll be at full power in his dream
You could have chosen/A different path of life )
While the cherry blossoms would have been in the Uchiha compound the place looks wrong, and this clearly isn't home.
A frown plays over Sasuke's face as he watches the man in the white coat and a feeling of familiarity nags at the back of his brain. When Muraki attacks the girl, Sasuke's frown deepens and he runs forward to help the innocent victim. He's not entirely sure why he does it, but he knows for some reason he wants to keep this girl safe.
As Sasuke moves quickly in between the assailant and the girl, he looks up to Muraki, and as his face is cast in shadow recognition finally dawns on the young boy.
"You!" He hadn't activated his sharingan yet, but once he recognizes the man as the one who'd stolen his eye he does so instantly.
He laughs darkly and reaches into his pocket for a length of wire. If it binds someone with powers, they become useless and he remembers that power is what he hoped for when he took the boy's eye in the first place. "You couldn't beat me when I was simply human, boy. What makes you think you can now that I'm at full strength?"
He jumped quickly back and out of the way of the girl who hopefully had the sense to disappear to safety. As he moved he focused on the weapons he'd learned to bring with his dream self. Muraki wasn't the only one who used wire, and the special wire Sasuke had was so thin it was nearly invisible. A bit of it was already tied to two shuriken, and Sasuke withdrew those now.
"Because this time I can see you coming." He threw the shuriken, but not directly at Muraki. He put a spin on them so they would go past the man in white and wrap around him, effectively trapping him. Though there was no guarantee the moves would work against this man, it wasn't going to stop Sasuke from trying, and proving that he wouldn't be caught a second time.
The girl moves away, but only a little. She seems too frozen in shock by what's going on to be fully capable of running home.
"That doesn't mean much. I can disapper in an instant if I choose to." When the shuriken miss him, he laughs, wondering what the point was in that, and the moment that he feels wire trying to trap him, he vanishes in the space of a heartbeat to teleport and reappear behind Sasuke.
The young ninja lunges at Muraki, jumping high as he draws out a kunai to slash the silver-haired man's throat. Sasuke keeps his gaze fixated on him hoping to see when Muraki moves. Maybe he'd just missed it? Or maybe his sharingan weren't yet strong enough to deal with this enemy?
"Not bad, boy. You're still not going to win this, no matter how much you try to."
That wire was dangerous. Much more so than the more ordinary wire Sasuke owned. This fight was going to have to go into the mid-range or the young boy would be risking far too much.
He pulled out some more shuriken, and looked quickly at his surroundings. Granted it was Muraki's dreamfield so he could change it however he wanted. Sasuke hadn't been particularly good at altering others dreamfields so he was stuck with the away teams disadvantage. It wasn't going to stop him. Not if he could help it. "I'll be the judge of that."
"Why does your strength matter so much to you?" he wonders out loud before he slides the wire back in his pocket and calls down bats to drain Sasuke's energy. "Children are always weak no matter how hard they try to be as strong as someone far older and larger than them."
He has an idea, of course, but he'll save the real emotional ammo for a better time.
Muraki's words don't bother him. He knows why his strength matters, and he doesn't believe that he can't be as strong as those older and especially those larger than him. He can grow, he can get stronger, and he will. Nothing will stop him from being able to protect those he cares about.
In annoyance, Muraki grabs the gun from his pocket and aims it at Sasuke's chest.
He forces himself to keep moving, not knowing how many rounds that gun may have.
"If I win, I'm going to strip your memories. What would you hate to miss the most, I wonder?"
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