The truth is, you see, that most people believe what is told them, whereas I never do

Jun 04, 2009 14:06

Today marks the 1 year Anniversary of the day we hung our giant mustache above the school, proudly displaying our love of facial hair.

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

At the request of one zombres , here are my 5 things

House, M.D.
That's right: I still love House. Though really, they're starting to test my undying devotion, what with this last season lacking a lot of the stuff that made me love it in the first place and kind of straying away from what I consider to be it's strengths. This last season's flaws, as with the fourth season's, are understandable: an increase in the number of characters makes focus hard to achieve and frankly, the writers are probably getting tired of medical jargon and want to have some "real" drama. But, if you ask me, the jargon and the general medical nerdiness (along with, obviously, the character of House) is what set the show apart and made it different from Grey's or E.R. It'll be interesting to see how they handle the developments of the season finale, but (sadly) my hopes aren't too high. PROVE ME WRONG, DAMMIT!

Okay, so I've kind of made up my mind: I want to be Miss Marple when I'm older. I want to dress in clothing from the 30's/40's, I want to knit while slyly making innuendo filled comments, I want to solve mysteries, and, most of all, I want to live in England. Just add in bee-keeping and slightly more mannish clothing and you have my entire plan for becoming a crazy old lady. But really, Marple is grand. It's a fun murder mystery with a (generally) charming cast that allows me to revel in British glory. What's not to like?

Andrew Bird
This man. THIS MAN, you guys. He is amazing. He's a hugely talented musician and an overall incredible and interesting person. He seems to enjoy/appreciate all sorts of things in life, from random medical facts to scientific and historical tid-bits: his enthusiam for the world seems to be pretty endless. Also, he's one of those artists where you can really tell that they sincerely enjoy making music and aren't doing so just to make money or become famous. And damn if that isn't refreshing! If you haven't listened to the man, I'd suggest doing so immediately (let me know if you want any suggestions/songs to start with!). Also I love his style and his sort of awkward quirkiness: I kind of just want to drink tea with him and talk about the awesomness of cephalopods and the beetle room and our shared experience of having antiquated diseases (him: pleurisy, me: epiglottitis). It would be spectacular, I assure you.

Here's a secret, you guys: I love guns. And action. And explosions. I might act like I'm sensitive and nerdy, one of those "creative types," but secretly, deep down, I love me some muscle-y men who shoot things and look suave doing so. Becker is essentially the epitome of this, but add into that the fact that he's British and he has the most hilarious/smug facial expressions and damn it if I'm not totally won over! He's kind of like Daniel Craig's Bond, only more traditionally attractive and without the sexism. And as far as Primeval goes...well, it's a pretty ridiculous show, I'm not going to lie. But, it's consistantly entertaining AND it involves all of the following: explosions, guns, hand-to-hand combat, dinosaurs, time travel, and addorable/attractive/amazing British people. As such, it's darn fun to watch.

Doctor Whoooooooooooo
This show! This show makes me so happy! :D It's got all the right stuff: like Primeval, it's got action, adventure, time-travel, beasties, and British people, but it's also got something else. The Doctor. And the Doctor, let me say it, is FANTASTIC. (Or, he has been in all the incarnations that I've seen). He's quirky and funny and kind of sarcastic, but can also be mysterious and dramatic and make you realize the vastness of existance. And really, that's what's so grand about the show. I could go on for ages about favorite episodes and how excited I am for the next specialy, but I think I'll stop here, where I still seem slightly sane.

house, facial hair, andrew bird, geek, television

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