For Whiteleaf School, we’ll fight as one. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Apr 26, 2008 16:47

So, here are a few updates and icon!

.::. I've decided to attend Northwestern. This means that I'll be spending the next four years right outside of Chicago. I'm most definitely quite excited, though I'll admit that I'm a bit scared as well. I know that bits of it will be heartbreaking (such as leaving my friends, family, and pets), but I feel like it's the best thing to do. If I were to have stayed at UT I just think that it would have felt like "High School Part II", if that makes any sense. Also, I think I might do a major in Anthropology with a focus in Human Biology, assuming that matches up with my Premed goals. In short, I'm excited!

.::. Prom is this Saturday, and I'm rather excited about that. I'm going with a huge (20+) group of people and we're going to eat Persian food beforehand and watch belly dancers*. I'm not sure how I'll feel about prom itself, what with me not really being the dancing type, but whatevs. If nothing else, I can pretend to be pretentious and aloof the whole time.

.::. I'm sick. Again. I swear, there probably hasn't even been a month total that I've been well this year. Ugh. I guess this is what lack of sleep does to one's immune system.

.::. School is kind of killing me. However, I do believe that I will be much better off after May 15 (and I've taken the last of my APs).

Anyway, here are some icons

Note, I've never made icons before, however I was messing around on a 30 day trial of photoshop that I downloaded to edit AP Art slides and thought that I could at least modify some screen caps that I made ages ago. That being said, all the screen caps were made by me, and all the non-tv related art is mine as well.

Comments/tips/links to tutorials/links to a place where I can download a permanent copy of photoshop are greatly appreciated!

Green Wing



Hugh Laurie (SNL)


The Mighty Boosh Season 3



I guess the usual rules apply:
  • Comment if you take any
  • Credit: plays_on_words
  • Not that I really know that it means, but don't hotlink. Apparently that's bad.
  • ETC!
*I've always been rather afraid of Belly Dancers. I just don't know what to do around them: I mean, they're performing, but they're not on a stage. As a girl, what level of interest am I supposed to show? Am I considered a lesbian if I watch too closely? Clearly, I have issues. Hopefully, they are issues that I have overcome.

icons:mighty boosh, school, icons:hugh laurie, college, icons:anatomy, icons:green wing

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