ramblings at midnight

Mar 01, 2009 23:41

-I am kind of frustrated that I had all these big plans for the "new year" after the last one blew up in my face, and I can't follow through with many of the goals i had made for 2009.
-It is also frustrating that I was running almost 6 miles a week and timing at 6 minutes/mile and now I have to start all over again. I might be able to run a mile in 9 minutes in about a month or a month& a half. My goal was 2 miles a day/ 6 days a week. no mile over 8 minutes.
-I am stressed about trying to get a job. I want to get just a weekend job. that would be great.
-the whole dairy,wheat,gluten,yeast,sugar free diet thing wouldnt be so hard if we had enough money to actually buy food that was healthy.
-i love my church, but i hate youth group. i only go because i have 2 friends there (who are leaders), and i dont have many friends elsewhere, i mean i went to school with a class of 800 people for a total of 3 1/2 months.
-i feel like a single 30 year old living alone, not unhappily, but just used to the solitary-ness.Being home all day, working on school, cooking,taking care of myself, being okay with being alone....
-Being at home alone is wayyyyy wayyy better than being at school with people i dont care about and who dont care about me. I enjoy my own company, im just faking at school.
-I can't paint like i used to be able to.Can't sing either.
-I want to speak another language fluently, but i dont have the motivation or tools to do it on my own. perhaps in college.
-it's weird going to college when i grew up around college kids and realizing that they werent as old as i thought they were, and that i am now that old...wow
-I've noticed, that in general, people who are intelligent or 'gifted', you know, RLC material, also seem to be the same people who are eclectic in interests.  People who are just kinda dumb generally seem to be involved in one thing i.e. football and nothing else.
-I like mother nature.
-Since i've been taking vitamin b and dha, my general outlook on life has been so much better. i feel happier. yay for natural dopamine!
-I'm trying this new thing about not thinking about what could have been in the past year. what's that quote from lost?... fate has a way of correcting itself...?
-Maybe i'll start doing yoga again regularly. my flexibilty is shot haha
-my hands are really hot. i think i have a fever agaaiiinnn
-it feels like i will never be better and thats discouraging
-I love watching cooking shows.
-My new sleeping patterns are frustrating to me.
-I hope i can get a new dress for graduating, and then wear it to hewitts graduation.
-i am going to go to the mall and try on prom dresses just for the heck of it. lol its lame, but i like feeling pretty in a fancy dress.
-i hope i get engaged outdoors. that was random haha it is too late at night.
-i hate mono. im so worn out and tired all the time. sometimes my mom will ask me a question and ill just look at her and be too tired to like answer. i just want to lay down and rest 24/7. it feels extra relaxing when mom tickles my back these days
-i miss the tanning bed, it was one of the most relaxing things ever. id go after school, turn the bulbs on real low, stay in for 40 minutes, and fall asleep almost every time.
-it's hard sometimes when im laying down and really tired cuz i miss laying my head in erins lap or just being on her couch, around things that smell like dove citrus and lambert. lol =]
-i really want a doggy that will cuddle with me and sleep with me. thatd be cool in college too, if ihad money.
-i dont like tall buildings.

i'm getting pretty drowsy and headachey so i guess that means bedtime
oh sweet sleep, you are my lover. lol =] wow ignore that i just said that.

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