School organization post, take two

Oct 11, 2009 17:40

This is the master list of classes and teachers at the Shinigami school, which is ICly run by Death Scythe/Spirit Albarn (lmfao YEAH I know), as he inherited it when Shinigami left Discedo.

Nika will be helping some with OOC organization and details so that WITH OUR POWERS COMBINED, WE CAN HOPEFULLY GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE.


Eric | soi | AIM: crefollet
Email: nami[at]rioroute[dot]net
School status post: here

Nika | ttanna6 | AIM: maypielord
Email: anime_leet[at]hotmail[dot]com

Death Scythe | deathpapa | IC school post

Most of the classes are held at the elementary school, which is available for all teachers and students to use (with the exception of the basement -- Al and Ed teach their alchemy classes there, and they are not actually affiliated with the school.)

If you want your character to join one of these classes, please head to the teacher's individual organization/contact post (and maybe comment here just so I can more easily keep track of who Papa needs to stalk).

Principal: Spirit Albarn (Death Scythe) | deathpapa

Cooking: Sorata Arisugawa | shockinglycool | OOC organization/contact post
Doctoring: Kureha | paincuresall | OOC organization/contact post
English (for Japanese speakers): Nozomu Itoshiki | zetsubo_sensei | [post forthcoming]
Gym: Raphael | twin_sai_kame | OOC organization/contact post
Japanese: Nozomu Itoshiki | zetsubo_sensei | [post forthcoming]
Literature (English):
Literature (Japanese): Shigure Sohma | nouvelliste | OOC organization/contact post
Martial arts: Iroh | teaandlightning | OOC organization/contact post
Physics: Little Washu | madwashu | OOC organization/contact post
Primary School: Souji Seta | pursuestruth || Gyatso | flynfruitpies | OOC organization/contact post
Sewing: (Is Kanji doing this now?)
Survival Skills: Imoen | lilredsorceress | OOC organization/contact post

Blank spaces are classes we had before that I think have lost their teachers now -- please correct me if I'm wrong! And if your characters have been teaching anything that wasn't inclued on the last page update, please tell me here so I can add them!

If you're interested in having your character teach a class -- any class, we're not picky! -- just comment here, or contact Eric (or... have your character talk to Spirit). However, we will only add a class to this master list once we have an organization/contact post for that class.

Thanks so much for your cooperation, guys! ♥ o/

[last updated Oct. 27, 2009]

schooling, organisation, !information post

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