Here's what I have been doing/feeling/thinking between yesterday at 4 p.m. and today at 4 p.m. Time is on a 24 hour clock, so 13:00 is 1:00 p.m., 16:00 is 4:00 p.m. etc.
- 17:17 cure for 9+ hrs of hell (in descending order of enjoyment): guinness chocolate, pistachio hefeweizen, apricot red wine, and avocado PBR. #
- 17:19 Does that count as binging to you sober people? #
- 18:10 @ gnomesaying You gottta try "Scoops" they make all kinds of wacky flavors. They had 'nicootine' flavor once #
- 18:31 If you're my friend you should boycott Bank of America. #
- 18:32 After today living off the grid doesn't sound like such a bad idea #
- 18:39 @ ladypuppy Call me later and I will make your flat tire sound FUN as compared to my day #
- 09:04 @ gnomesaying Yea even I wouldn't try it and I usually get the most bizarre menu item #
- 15:51 @ wendyatl Is " Nine inch Neils" a tribute band to NIN and Neil Young? #
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