Aug 10, 2006 20:27
It's mine and Danny's ten months, it seems like so much longer.
Hm... My dad is never home once again, and my mom doesnt care if she cooks for me or not. She only cooks when he is home. I know its not a biug deal to some people, but growing up always haveing a huge family meal everyday, the ngoing to your mom only cookingwhen your dad gets home its really lame. It really shows how much she cares if IM happy or not. GET A GRIP MOM WHOS MORE IMPORTANT?!?! I came out of your fucking vagina for fucks sake!! And my dad...dont even get me started, I see hime 2 days a week, and when he calls and talks to my mom, he nevers asks for me, he never tells her to say " I love you". NEVER. I wish my parents actually showed some love and show they care. Other than them making me be home early...that doesnt even count though, im prettty sure its just to make me un happy. Well whatever, saturday is thier anneversary, so im going to algonac and im excited. I <3 it there. Actually...I love everywhere but here! Seriously, fuck this town and the people in it... and then 10 times over again.