A while back, I made a post that introduced Night-At-The-Museum-Verse, now shortened to NATM-verse (An explanation of the verse can be found
here). I was surprised by how many replies it got, and thanks to
thatoldthatkind, the verse is now going to expand.
NATM-verse is now the end of all things. The Big Bang was a race against time, and in NATM-verse they don't beat it, not quite. The universe has collapsed around the museum, but the museum itself is a time anomaly. For some reason that the Doctor has yet to entirely figure out, the museum is untouched, as well as those in it and the universe around it. It's a fragment of what was, including a sky full of stars. Anyone who had been in the museum in the hour before closing and the hours after are now stuck, as well as the moving exhibits inside.
This is an invitation extended to everyone who replied to that thread way back when and anyone else who wants to join in to find themselves trapped. That includes the following people:
canicomequitehomoeroticthatoldthatkindstolethenameohyayadventurerude_not_ginger (if you want, because we have a current Doctor. It's entirely up to you)
anybodyneedme Mind you I'm a stickler for things making sense, so if there's the same character it makes more sense to be different points in their timeline rather than alternate universe versions of them, so feel free to discuss here! Also, feel free to make comments and suggestions!