May 02, 2005 00:11
So I hate my job...
I'm sick of staring at the same walls, the same products, the same idiotic drunks....I'm sick of doing the same thing every day, Sick of cleaning the same messes every day with the exception of a few suprises here and there...but either way I probably still make more money than you so My job ain't all that horrible. Bleh. Thank god tonight is my last night before my lovely two days off.
I'm severly under-slept. So yeah, I guess Jay found himself a new I wonder how long it will take her stupid ass to realize he's a fucking neo-nazi fuckbag. Its gonna be pretty hilarious when she does. Perhaps she'll dig that sort of thing and he WONT be alone forever...but one can only hope he is miserable and let the cheese stand alone. Oh how the mighty have FALLEN. (lol thanks claire).
Anywho...I don't think anyone reads my journal anymore...I don't have any juicy gossip or any horrid news, or a new crush or anything semi-interesting. I work a full time job, i'm a full time girlfriend, and I attempt to see my friends as much as i possibly can. I'm also in a financial rut at the moment due to an excruciatingly HIGH phone bill (dont ever ever ever pay for anyone else's cellphone, no matter how close of a friend you're going to get FUUUCKED in the ass ten times till sunday.) But everything is going as rocky as normal. I'm gonna go now, but i figured an update would be nice.
hanging on by a thread,