There are moments in your life that change you, and set the course to who you're going to be. Sometimes there big, sometimes not. The thing is, you can't stop the bad stuff, it's always going to come. It's what you do afterwards that counts, because that's when you find out who you really are
So I was doing some writing today. Just getting my thoughts out on paper. Writing is like putting your soul on paper and making ever tear that you cry visible to the world. Or.. that's how I see things anyway. I haven't written in like a diary or anything like that for a really long time. I found one, an old diary, barbie actually.. didn't even realize I'd packed it with me. It's got some stuff written from when I was 13 and 14, when we were just starting out. A lot of that made me smile, innocent eyes to the world then, things were a lot different. But here I am now, 17 years old.. gosh how things changed. Never thought we'd still be going down the path we are, that I'd still be doing this... I'm glad I am though, music is like my life. Just thinking about if I'd said no when Laila asked.. never would've met some of the people I know now, like Chris for instance. He's had an effect on my life more than he'll ever truly know. Even in a simple word, but it's there.. definitely all been there. I've just been spending a lot of time with him these past few days that we've been together and it's all been really nice, really comfortable. I could get used to it! *laughs* Now I'm sitting curled up in his bed. I know I could fall asleep right now if I let myself, but I don't want to. I'd much rather stay awake and be with him.
Ryan's a cool guy, and Janet rocks because she says I rock. Jake rocks too, now feel special because you got mentioned!
I heard Incomplete on the radio today.. once again I must applaud you guys for it, it's amazing. And now it's stuck in my head thanks! Anna's coming to see me, I'm excited because I love her lots and I've missed her! And then when she goes to LA she's gonna hug my Rosie for me who I also miss and love! But I feel like I'm not talking to enough people, so ya'll people that don't talk to me need to call.. it's PlayGirlAnais17 if you've forgotten. Do something with it besides throwing it away maybe?