Im so sad. I came home from work today to be informed that my fish were dead. At first I thought my sister was only kidding, then I was like "but how? Ive been feeding them everyday!" and then my dad was like "we suspect foul play, seeing as seven guy was lying on the carpet". Thats when I remembered that we were cat sitting my grandmothers cat for the next few weeks. the demon cat, whom I have renamed SATAN (formally known as nikki) slaughtered my poor little fishies. I didnt even have them for a full two weeks. They were the coolest fish that ever lived. :(
Im so upset.
Hitler is still floating in the bowl with his cloudy little white eyes. I dont want to clean him up. My mom is the one responsible for bringing that demonic cat into the house. she should flush him. grrrr.
Me and ashley are going to go get some new fish tommorow, and these ones Im going to have to LOCK in my room. too bad I dont have a lock.. but yah. Nothing can replace those two though. How often do you find a reincarnated evil dictator and a fish with a number on the back of their head? never thats how often.
seven guy and hitler, I hope your little fishy souls are at peace up in that giant fish bowl in the sky, watching finding nemo for all eternity <3 .
haha I know Im a nerd but they were the coolest fish ever.