Mar 29, 2005 20:59
so far this spring break not shit has really happened.
1st i'll talk about saturday before easter, i got wasted with mike on fire water and it was great missy and dad had to pull him and his car out of the garden cuz they didn't want pawpaw to see him passed out in the garden on easter morning cuz there would be a bunch of ppl there to. i so was coloring easter eggs drunk with carina it was the funnest thing ever. when missy called to have dad come help her get mike back in his house, she said she talked to me but i was so drunk i don't even remember talking to her.
sunday night i stayed the night at monica's and we decided to call tony and have him bring us some weed and dick ( dick being for me) hehehe and he said he would when he got off work but he didn't get off till 2, well he called about 3 and i was like fuck it monica and tiff was already asleep and i was falling asleep and wasnt horney anymore, we also called wesly ann wanting weed and dick but i;ll talk more about that in a min.
tonight i was staying the night again at monica's, but her dad was being a total dickhead and she and him got in the biggest fucking fight and she said she was gonna move out, it got verrrry fucking ugly, i was in the car the whole fucking time cuz i cant stand all that fucking negativit-y. so she brought me home cuz she wasn't sure where she's staying tonight and she said she needed to be alone and think about some shit, this stuff with her dad has been going on 4 a while so i was like cool call me later. and she said she would call me at 9 to either come get me or come crash here and she hasn't called me yet and im worried about her.
anyway back to the wes thing, me and tiff called him and i thought it was like 10 30 but it was really almost midnight, so his mom got pissed. me and tiff was trying to get him to sneak out and see me, but he wouldn't lol. i dont really think he likes me, i think he likes emily. but we talked about it and about some other personal stuff about the two of us dumbnuts. lol i still really like him and im not sure why. i almost was had sex with tony, i seriously had all intentions to but i didn;t call him back. i think i want to save my self for someone more important, i guess. tony is hot though and i'd so mess around with him, but for now i'm gonna not sleep with him. but maybe something will happen between the two of us, who knows. but i hope i end up going back out tonight and i hope i get ahold of monica. even if she just crashes here, i dont care im just worried about her. i think i'm gonna call my brother and see if he's talked to her since then. ttyl