The Way of Life

May 08, 2009 01:16

more commonly called the Tao Te Ching.
but i got my own ideas.

Everyone gets so upset about little things.
theres a bigger picture than who insulted you, or your pride
we all come from different cultures, races, backgrounds, history, but we all travel the same path, no matter what you believe, we all will die.

i dont let anything bother me. it was hard reaching this point, but in the end, who cares. ima go on to the next life, and i wont care who said what or who did what to who.

You only have one enemy, and i could say it is Hate, but Hate stems from fear, all hate comes from a fear. often from not knowing enough, like a xenophobia. that which we dont know scares us.

share. i finished a book, and it was a good book. now i dont need it, i will let someone else have it to read.
share a smile, sometimes that angry customer, or friend, prolly had a bad day an just needs a hug. a smile, that can later change the way they think. you never know

dont boast, noone likes pride. if you shine through, people will see it.
Karma affects everything. no matter what you do, there will be consiquences, and it will come, good or bad. but dont believe that bad karma will haunt you forever, it wont. eventually you work off of new ideals and efforts. therefor keep a positive attitude, even when it pours down on you. people and karma will notice.

dont be the person using the ladder. Be the ladder. and you will be lifted up higher. give more than you take, and you will find happiness in strange places.

its a dark world, and we need more light in it. be the light that people see
stop pretending and falsifying your loyalties, be true to You.

One who knows, does not speak
One who speaks, does not know

he who talks, teaches
he who listens, learns.

always tell everyone you love them, for when your time comes, you wont know it, and you may not have a chance to tell the ones you love that you love them.
dont go to bed angry with someone, you or they might not wake up.

that means, dont take things for granted, caus eone day you will miss those things.

just some buits of wisdom, learned the hard way from me. i hope when i leave for the next journey, someone takes my place and shines brighter in this world!
i love you guys!

dedicated to my brother Light Lion, who saved me in my darkest hour.

words of wisdom tao te ching life love

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