May 14, 2009 03:52
I got all B's. I didn't think I would get a good grade in Calc. He curves and I was sitting on a 79 before the final. He made the final hard. I'm going to stick with this major and see what happens. I'm still not sure what I want to do. I rather just never work. If I could just go to school for the rest of my life that would be great.
We made a garden. It's nothing big, but I love it. I wasn't into the whole manual labor. I'm a totally lazy person... well I wouldn't say lazy. I just don't like insects and I hate not knowing EXACTLY what to do so I end up doing the minimal. So sue me. Well once the garden was half complete and some of the herbs in the pots we have grew, I became addicted to watering and caring for them. It started before spring school term finished and I would come home every day and head straight to the clay pots on the porch and stare at my precious plants.
Once I saw how they grew, I just can't stop caring for them and seeing how they do every day. We have already eaten some of our cilantro and it was so fresh and delicious. I had to buy organic insecticide, because the bugs think the cilantro and basil are delicious.
We have so many tomatoes. Liza went a bit nuts and bought four varieties of tomatoes and she planted a billion basil seeds in two tiny clay pots. We had to transplant them and give them away--they were growing like weeds!
Ahh. I worked in the garden today. We planted peas and cantaloupe. I've enjoyed my vacation from school. I'm taking summer classes. Accounting and Macroeconomics. Looks like pretty boring stuff. It's for my minor. Next week the summer term starts. I'm not looking forward to it. I've bought a new lens for my camera and a couple of filters and a remote. I'm not sure why... I don't have anything to take pictures of. I'm not going anywhere soon or anything. I just want to find something nice to take pictures of.
Jess and I went to Wal-mart and bought a bunch of crap. I don't know how we do it, but we end up spending hours there. My lower back starts hurting and my feet start to ache. I get into a spendthrift mode and go crazy sometimes...
I'm tired. We had a barbecue. Phil and his boyfriend broke up and I invited Phil. He's a mess. He didn't call me that day after I offered to pick him up that morning. He was going to ride with Greg, who he invited to go. We bought extra food and everything... He didn't show up. He didn't even call until nearly midnight. I kept calling and leaving messages. I was worried, because he sounded drunk that morning when he called. He joked that he had been drinking since Thursday and I reacted with a loud "What??!"
He told me that morning that he missed the old group. I told him the dynamics have changed now and there isn't anything wrong with that. I miss the fun of the old days too, but I can't go back to partying all the time. I'm not sure what he meant though.
I can't seem to shake feeling disconnected.