So this past week I have had the urge to start my workout again. Yesterday, I managed to run a mile. ONE MILE!! WOW! I felt re-born. I felt like a champ. I felt like Rocky. But back to reality, I have noticed many things about people and the area that I work in. It is quite humerus, like your arm bone. I call this "The Day of Lists
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>How I wait for the day to come when Conservatives are wiped off this earth. >This seems evil and vulgar, but it's the truth. They vote on a faith based >initiative, but then invade nations and kill their civilians for a cause >that lacks reason. Not only have we not found WMD's, but we have managed to >lose 900 soldiers and become the laughing stock of the world. How about we >learn something from the Phillipeans and put our citizens before policy. If >you are willing to learn something come talk to me, you have my username. I >won't be responding to this journal so bring it to my journal...
Conservatives vote for faith-based initiatives because America needs a sense of values and morals, especially with great people like Bill Clinton leading us. The place to start is with faith. You want to talk about lacking a reason for war. What was Sandy Berger covering up when he broke the law and left the National Archives with classified material stuffed down his pants? We have managed to lose 900 soldiers in Iraq - true, but how many soldiers did Great Britain lose appeasing Germany in the 1930's? And how many soldiers did they lose in WWII? Go back and read all the reports the Clinton Administration let out when they would periodically cruise missile attack Iraq. He stated then that Iraq had WMDs, and especially nuclear weapons. Why don't you believe that. And everyday we are learning of more nations that warned us of Saddam Hussein's intent to gain WMDs, up to the minute before we went in. How about the Phillipinos gain some balls, and stick up for their policy? But last time I checked, the Phillippines aren't such a major nation, so why not follow their policy? Obviously it works so well. I'm willing to learn something, but are you? I'm here so bring it on. And if you want more, visit Chris' Manifesto.
Honestly, do you think it is a good idea to visit France in these times? It would be dangerous for an American after all the hate aimed in their general direction after they decided not to back the Iraqi resolution. I mean how can our entire county speak out against France and try to rename French fries to freedom fries and then expect to be treated like best friends? I have faith, just not in our political environment right now. If liberals and conservatives could just work together I would have a whole lot more of it. I become more and more jaded by American politics every day when Liberals and Conservatives keep bickering about nonsense and they can't realize that their role is to work together and attempt to compromise on what will be best for the American people. I have seen very fews instances of compromise in the last few years because of how polarized our country is. My trust has to be earned by a politician when I realize that he is trying to better the country and not his own personal agenda. The Bush administration has not been accomplish this and I doubt they ever will.
There are some facts for you, why don’t you try that sometime? You can use that same website to do some research. It is not related to any party or ideology, it is just a site that tracks the information based on FEC filings. If you don’t understand that, I can explain more to you. And if the industry facts don’t prove my point, look at the page of top contributors.
The only energy company there is Southern Company. Not Halliburton, and no others that Michael Moore might tell you about. These facts are not a stretch of the truth, they are the truth. You give me some truth next time, not a stretch of the truth. Try giving some facts next time.
So where are all these energy company donations you are speaking of? And who are all the Cabinet secretaries that came from energy companies? Do you have a list that says whom and from which company. This is the kind of factual evidence that you need to have an argument on a topic like this. Before you can raise yourself to my maturity and intelligence levels, you need to back your points up with some facts.
Besides Bush and Cheney, there is one other connection to energy. That is the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Alphonso Jackson, who was an advisor from American Electric Power. Now where are all these appointees you speak of?
Solid proof. In fact, I have never even seen anything more solid than that. They actually say he was an oil CEO in a non-partisan, unskewed bio.
I am not saying you should look at information that isn't skewed. I am just saying that the internet is not the only place where that information is. I don't trust the statistics given by Michael Moore or Sean Hannity because they are simply mudslingers. They occasionally have good points but I completely disapprove of their methods. Read something by an accomplished journalist with a skewed viewpoint and you can not deny their points. Try Paul Krugman from the New York Times or... I was going to name someone from the Post but their journalists just aren't quite up to the standards of the Times. As long as you are not getting facts from Ann Coulter, I give them a good chance. By the way, if anyone reading this hasn't seen "This Land" on make sure you check it out. It is a perfect representation of what this year's campaign is about.
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