Mar 29, 2005 02:09
Three things that scare me:
1.) Ms. Pritchet
2.) Snowglobes
3.) Pain
Three people who make me laugh:
1.) Melanie
2.) Clyde
3.) Mothers Patheticness
Three things I love:
1.) Older men
2.) My guitar
3.) Rain
Three things I hate:
1.) Mice
2.) Rap
3.) Violence
Three things I don't understand:
1.) Mice
2.) Rap
3.) Violence
Three things on my desk:
1.) Laptop
2.) red bull
Three things I'm doing right now:
1.) This.
2.) Listening to KRock
3.) Eating Lucky charms
Three things I want to do before I die:
1.) Kick Taffel where it hurts
2.) Play a gig
3.) Be on a reality show
Three things I can do:
1.) Play guitar
2.) Spend money
3.) Sleep
Three ways to describe my personality:
1.) Strange
2.) Uh?
3.) Hmm?
Three things I can't do:
1.) Raise one eyebrow
2.) Cartwheels
3.) Roll my r’s
Three Bands I like - I'm changing this to musicians:
1) Stereogram
2) Low Millions
3) The Mars Voltra
Three Actors I like:
1) Jude Law
2) George Clooney
3) Hugh Grant
Three Songs I like:
1) "suck My kiss"- RHCP
2) "Helana"- My chemical Romance
3) "elenor- Low Millions
Three Movies I like:
1) Old School
2) Dawn of the dead
3) Kill Bill
Three Guys' Names I like:
1) Jared
2) Kurt
3) Seth
Three Girls' Names I like:
1) Sheela
2) Ryan
3) Mackensie
First Three Songs in my iTunes
1) Blackout- Hed(pe)
2) Wannabe- Spice Girls
3) Go- Blink-128