Mar 21, 2005 13:00
- last phone number you called: Zach's
- last show you watched on TV: Crossing Jordan
- last song you heard: Jimmy eat world- Middle
- last thing you had to drink: Teany iced tea
- last time you showered: Earlier today
- last thing you ate: Soy chips
Do you...
- smoke?: No
- do drugs?: No
- have sex?: He wishes
- sleep with stuffed animals?: Ollie!
- have a crush?: A couple.
- have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Fiance
- have a dream that keeps coming back?: No......?
- play an instrument?: Guitar
- believe there is life on other planets?: There is life on this planet. I bet there saying the same thing.
- remember your first love?: Yeah, I miss him. No, no I dont. Never mind
- still love him/her?: No
- read the newspaper?: yes
- have any gay or lesbian friends?: FWF. Need I say much more?
- believe in miracles?: Yes.
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yeah. If you really feel like it.
- consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yeah
- consider police a friend or foe?: Foe! REBEL!
- like the taste of alcohol?: Depends. White, Whisky, and beer over red and rum.
- have a favorite Stooge?: No....
- believe in astrology?: Scorpio powers ACTIVATE!
- believe in magic?: Quiditch anyone?
- believe in God?: Maybe, in doubt
- pray?: To what?
- have any secrets?: I'm a open book.
- have any pets?: Goldfish: Rasputin, Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, and Jose. Then my cat, Clyde
- do well in school?: Yeah, sure
- go to or plan to go to college?: Yes.
- talk to strangers who instant message you?: Sure.
- wear hats?: Tehe, my "Von Bitch" hat. Hurrah!
- have any piercings?: ears
- have any tattoos?: No
- hate yourself?: Sometimes. when I drop things on my foot.
- have a best friend?: Lauren, Ana, my cat, Jake, Henry, Miate, Melanie, I hope.
- wish on stars?: Twinkle Twinkle
- like your handwriting?: No?
- have any bad habits?: Singing in the shower and writting on my hand.
- care about looks?: sometimes. I shouldnt.
- believe in witches?: yes
- believe in Satan?: Yeah, if the other one exists.
- believe in ghosts?: yes
- believe in the Easter Bunny?: Pontius from Jackass is the Easter Bunny
- believe in the Tooth Fairy?: No
- have a second family?: Yes. Somewhere.
- trust others easily?: No. Not at all
- like sarcasm?: Yeah
- take walks in the rain?: Hell ya!
- kiss with your eyes closed?: Open, closed, as long as I get a kiss.
- sing in the shower?: Korn, Stereogram, RHCP, anything on K-rock
- own handcuffs?: lol, yep.