Title: Dying Dream
Rating: PG-13 (?) idk
Warning: How Souji died
Summary: The Game would always keep his mind busy on the mission. In the relative peace of the Mall, Souji tried not to think of that moment. Set prior to the pin pile.
NOTE: A little something I typed up
Walking through the familiar crowds, the number of people grew less and less as he head towards his destination.
Without the urgency of the mission, Souji would try to relax himself, to enjoy the rare moment of peace and freedom before his door was found. But...
He looked over the edge of the bridge, down at park below, before turning his attention back to the front. Cat Street will be in view soon.
The timer. The frozen timer on his hand. Every time he even glanced at it, the still numbers mocked him, for being outside of the Game, relaxing while his partner wasn’t able to share it with him.
And not having the pressure to distract him from thinking about...that.
Souji smiled when he spotted the WildKat in the distance, before making his way over among the crowd of people.
“WATCH OUT!” The last thing he heard, before turning around and-crash.
“--!” Grey eyes snapped wide awake, Souji stared at the ceiling from the bench he’s lying on. His body tensed at the memory, remembering the impact before everything went black, back then.
Sitting up, he took several deep breaths, trying to calm down himself. It’s just a dream, just a dream...of how I die...
Many thoughts ran through his mind, as his breathing gradually slowed down to a steady, normal rate.
Maybe he should find the female Hitoshura and get a room. An actual bed might help relieved his mind...