Jun 03, 2006 18:08
So I have everything arranged, and my week will go as follwos starting Monday;
Mondays - Gym from 8:30 - 11. Class from 12 - 3:20.
Tuesdays - Gym from 8:30 - 11. Class from 12 - 3:20. Work from 5 - 11.
Wednesdays - Gym from 8:30 - 11. Class from 12 - 3:20.
Thursdays - Gym from 10:30 - 1. Work from 5 - 11.
Fridays - Gym whenever I feel like, get at me, open for outings, dates, chill time, whatever.
Saturdays - Gym from 10:30 - 1. Work from 5 - 12.
Sundays - Gym whenever, same as fridays.
Pretty good schedule I think so far, still leaves me 2 whole days to myself, plenty of work, and plenty of time to get work done. I might add another job in there for friday and saturday mornings, not sure, never can say no to good money, right?
So I have been on my chill, taking care of business, just hanging with good peoples everyday, having good fun for small monetary prices, and its been great. I have been taking steps to make myself feel more attractive and confident, besides going to the gym. I bought a few new shirts, some great underwear (hey its the summer right? Gotta have everything looking good, lol) And these steps have been paying off pretty well, I have been getting some great attention, and I am trying not to let any of that go to my head, because it's not really about quantity, it's about quality. And if I am attracting plenty of people, but none of substance, then what is the point? I'm not looking for a bunch of trashy hoes that are gunna ask for money and talk about how great the BET awards were, I am looking for someone who is going to want to discuss social injustice once and a while and laugh at highbrow (as well very slapstick lowbrow) humor.
But I guess there isn't any harm in relishing the attention somewhat..... We'll just have to see.