Hey Wass up Doe?!
Well 2Day was de best day ever lol!I was vering every thing baby blue ooooo I was looking cute LOL but yea.After school I went 2 Julias crap n det was cool lol!We chilled a little bit n yea her bf was abaut 2 came over but he didnt cuz her dad was home!so yea then I went 2 ma crap n yea Karina n Sasha moved out lol its so cooooooool oweeee!But yea Im so happy now cuz I have a bar room n 2 rooms n a new camputer lol dats like so cool n now I can have partys like avery friking FRIDAY!He he its like so cool n shit like det so yea. So now all det week I will be shaping n shit like det cuz i have 2 buy new stuff 2 ma room.
So yea 2 ma boi!!!
U da best I never sayd det 2 nobady!
But yea JU ha ha ha u have a school 2marow LOL ha ha ha "Dets how we do!" LOL
But yea prolly Ju caming 2 ma crap 2marow 4 sleep over lol n Eg 2!!! YEAAAA...
*~*When you are happy you begin to shine.*~*
*~*When you have a secret and want me to whine.*~*
*~*When you are sad and don’t want anyone to know. *~*
*~*When you are mad and don’t want it to show.*~*
*~*When Im feeling gloomy, and you want to make me happy.*~*
*~*And When your nervous and don’t want to be to sappy.*~*
P.S. I luv u Arthur thanx 4 avarythig!
Dets da song from me 2 u! Candy shop