Jul 13, 2004 13:52
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? ummm...I don't think so..oh wait..maybe little cousins?
02. smoked? no way jose
03. bungee jumped? no, but I wanna
04. made yourself throw up? Ew..i can't
05. skinny dipped? Can't say I have..
06: been in love? yes..
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no..did I?..nahhh
08. pictured your crush naked? ahahahha..no..
09. actually seen your crush naked? nope
10. cried when someone died? of course
11. lied? only for fun and i was only joking..
12. fallen for your best friend? Hmm..no i dont think so..
13. been rejected? yeah... :/
14. rejected someone? I dont like the word rejected..
15. used someone? never.
16. done something you regret? yes
c u r r e n t
clothes: My Pink Lady Shirt that Chick made for me and little shorts..
make-up: none...blahh
favorite artist(s): a lot?
cd in player: Gypsy.
color of toenails: Redish Pink..but it's almost all gone..
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: Ryan
hugged: Ryan?
you imed: I dont remember..
you kissed: So this guy walks into a bar..
a r e | y o u
understanding: I try to be
open-minded: I hope so
arrogant: yes? no?
insecure: to a fault
interesting: I don't think so..
hungry: not right now
moody: I can be
hardworking: for somethings
organized: AHAHAHAHAA def not..
healthy: i think...
shy: I can be
attractive: My opinion on this is no
bored easily: ADD much?
responsible: hmmm...
obsessed: with what?
angry: If you piss me off...
sad: yes..only because of some things..other things make me very happy!
disappointed: with certain things..
happy: sure..
hyper: at times
trusting: not so much
legal: Yes I am!
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: no one
slap: I don't know..a bitchy person
get high with: If you mean high on life..then everyone!!
look like: Catherine Zeta Jones or a Victoria's Secret Super Model..
talk to offline: :)
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: cranky
all i need are: family, friends, love, aaaand theatre
what do you notice first: eyes, lips, hair, height, and...body type i guess?
last person you danced with: My Fellow Bird Girls!!
worst question to ask: Did you get uglier?
who makes you laugh the most: o geez..all my friends..
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: once really badly..and then there were a few little cracks here and there..
of hearts i have broken: I don't think any..i hope not..
of guys i've kissed (not including kissing games): not that many..
of girls i've kissed (same rules apply): 1
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: between 10 and 15?..or no...9? i dont know..
of cds i own: a lot!