May 02, 2004 01:23
well the last couple days has been interesting....
yesterday i went over to alicias house and she called this kid to cum over...his name was brian or sumthin like that dont exactly remember. ne ways this kid would NOT stop lookin at me!! like im dead serious he'd look at me when i wasnt payin attention then id look over at him and he'd turn his head right quick. im just like "ya like i didnt see that buddrow" lol sum ppl r retarded. then he was like "ya i havent gotten head in a LONG time" and he was lookin right at me givin me this look i was just like um dawg i think not so u best be turnin and lookin at sumone else and like fast. weird ppl i swear. ne ways maggie zavaleny decided to cum over to alicias while i was there..... o man fukkin alicia and brian had to fukkin hold me back. o was gonna fuck that bitch up BAD!! and she know that but she was like "ur lucky im pregnent or id fuck u up" and i was just like "u aint pregnent, nobody would fuk u, u just sayin u is so u dont hafta look like a pussy ass bitch when i fuck u up" and she was like o whatever fuck you. o man i was fukkin pissed as soon as i saw dat bitch i was like omfg hell naw.heh i have a temper, i kno.... i gota work on that.but seriously there is only so much shit sumone can take from sumone. i mean cmon she was tellin like the WHOLE skool that i fukked all these guys and i was pregnent and shit and then she went as far as sayin i fucked one of the subs!! i never did ne of that shit i mean seriously wtf.... ne ways after maggie left billy came over.....and alicia kept sayin OMG MY BOO LOVES ME HE LOVES ME HE FUKKIN LOVES ME!! shes a strange one. o man i hate to say this but...Alicias dad is hot!! hes only 26!! im just liike um ya dawg ur dads hott!! hah last nite was fukkin crazy. ne ways i called my aunt last nite for a ride home cuz i didnt have one and my mom wasnt gonna be there till like 1 or whatever so i called her and she made a big fukkin deal outta it. like it was such a HUGE fukkin inconvinence to drive a mile and a half to take me home. whatever. im like seriously soo fukkin sick of that family. all the do is talk about eachother!! it so fukkin retarded like one minute theyll be all sweet and nice to sumone and as soon as they leave they be all like " o fukk them. did u see what she said blah blah blah" its like fukkin grow up!! YOUR FUKKIN FAMILY!! and if u got sumthin to say, say it to their fukkin face dont talk shit behind their and my fukkin aunt tami can go suck a fukkin dick shes a fukkin dykey ass bitch!!! she had the nerve to sit at my gramas house infront of everyone and make shit up about me!!! wtf!! stupid bitch!! god that shit just pisses me off!!!i mean dont get me wrong i love them...they my family but they fukkin piss me off!!! im dead serious. idk...sum ppl r so gay like im bein so fa jessica ha omfg she went cryin to my fukkin mom!! about what I SAID not about what SHE said or what SHE called me or nuthin, so as usual i look like the bad one when all i did was stick up for myself. idk whatever....imma just start livin life and serioulsy fukk all this shit!@!!