(no subject)

Feb 10, 2004 02:14

Okay well... I just wrote a whole live journal that got deleted on me, which never makes anyone happy....But here I go again:



Costa Rico... might be going there... hopefully some day SOON! I haven't been away on a trip like this since grade 9, jamaica. LOVED IT! Disco, beaches, it was nice... I wanna go, yeah know, get away from the snow, have a REAL tan, the whole sha-bang. But when i go i'm really gonna miss my hunny, but hell, i still wanna go so badly, even if it is 2-3 months away. It'll be relaxing... very relaxing. I need relaxing.

REcently Ive been feeling not so pretty... i feel like an ugly blob. I'm breaking out, have major bags, my teeth are yellowish and spacing apart. My hair is short, and very split-ended and dead.  My mom called me pale, and i'm not even sick. I also need to get my evebrows done, they looking a little wacky. I know I should be fine with my looks and thankful i'm not horribly ugly, but it is really really hard. I have such high standards for myself i feel i have to meet them if not exceed them, but for that i'll need boobs.

I also need to start using this gym pass i paid for. I just have to start going at the right times and not crowded like hell. Joanna called my normal, I'm not used to being called normal, i want to be thin again.

I have a job interview at PARAMOUNT CANADA'S WONDERLAND, do i really wanna work there again? maybe i need a car, if only it were that easy. heh. I need the money, I'll be working there full time so it'll equal major bucks, but...? it's so exhausting. meh, well see. Job now = none... which i need to find one, I might be able to work at swish chalet, that be cool, but once again, it's a hell of a lot of travelling, and that'll be a pain in the ass.

The current Birth Contol that I'm taking is the pill... and I'm not really happy with it. I'm seriously thinking about changing it to the shot.. It's called Depro-Provera. You take it (injected) 4 times a yeah. YEA! gimmie it now... side efects:weight gain(-), weight loss(+), spotting(-), complete loss of menstral period (+). I think i'm going to do it. I talk to Mike about it, considering he is my significant other, but he wasn't much help, not that he should be, this is my body. But he was enough to make me almost positive i'm going to do this. Now all i need is my period. This will be much easier. I just have to ask someone whether or not i get the perscription filled first then go to her, or go to her first... If i'm old enough to have sex I'm old enough to talk to my doctor, yeah that's what i'll do.

I applied to school in september. Sheridan, Seneca, and St. Lawrence. To this day I'm still not sure what I want to take. Seridan was interior design, and Montessouri teaching. St Lawrence was Bachelor of Arts- Behavioural Psychology. Seneca was Fashion Merchandising, and Marketing, what the hell do i take? Well i guess we'll see what i get into first. I want to go to seneca to be with my sister, and mike, but that's not a good enough reason. lol. I know i'll enjoy the programs, but they're influencing my choice, is that okay?

I'm going to Winnipeg this year for my baba's 70th birthday, it's a surprise. I missed winnipeg last year, i didn't get to go, which made me sad, but this year I'm going. fo' sheezy. I kinda wanna go right now, just to get away from things, it looks like my cousin has a lot more fun than i do. :( but meh.It'll be too cold there anyways. Mike might come to winnipeg, but he's scared because he's afraid to meet new people, people that will judge him. I say BAH and he still comes... lol.

now a little about... Mike ... this will continue in the next journal

next to come:
  • Panama Beach
  • Jealousy
  • Pot Smoking
  • Cancun
  • Relationship Seriousness
  • Friends

see you soon!
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