Feb 01, 2004 01:13

Hello to all. So so day... great night.
Woke up late and moseyed around. Didn't really do anything. Tried to get some work done, but didn't. Ate, watched a lot of tv... there is sooo much super bowl coverage... it is just non stop. I can't understand how a game that hasn't even taken place yet can be analyzed to such a degree. Its nauseating. Go Pats!

Left around 7:30 and picked up Hilary after Max was dropped off at my house for Danny to baby-sit him (ate some pizza with them)... Went to Taipei Tokyo with Hil... sushi is always good.... ran into a ton of seniors... I DID NOT SEE GUTMAN AND I AM NOT WRITTING ABOUT HIM IN MY LIVE JOURNAL... I DID NOT SEE GUTMAN... I did see Lipsky swallow an entire thing of wasabi without drinking water... very impressive.

Heading over to Hebrew Academy and everyone was there. Great school spirit. The game was fun and I was impressed by everyone's playing. JDS won and it was just a crazily awesome night. My voice is KILLING me... but it was worth it.

Afterwards headed to the diner... Nicola (the lion), 'tonton', avner (little Spanish boy who makes desert), Avital, and Hilary... very awesome with a horrible waitress... everyone else was there too... hope Andrew had a good time at Hooters... rushed home and now I'm here. nanu nanu...

High of the day: The Night
Low of the day: The Day

Hero of the Day: Gabi for his skills and nicola for her spirit

Quote of the day: Marshall talking about the school's spirit, "Woh! It's kinda like we go to a real school."
- (In tune of Brave's tomahawk chop while covering eyes) Shema-a-a-a-a-a...
- Andrew taunting Hebrew academy: "G-d likes us better!"
*-SOOO many others that Andrew should add if he sees this*
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