(no subject)

Aug 09, 2006 19:01

Alright I feel bad, I've been posting (ugh as much as I hate the word) "blogs" on myspace, so I figured I'd post them on here so you would all have a chance to read them and comment on them if you want. So here they are:

Monday, July 24th, 2006
My First Blog

So I decided I'd finally post a blog because Janelle asked me to, so allow me to fill you in on a typical day for me.

I wake up at the asscrack of dawn, and I get ready for work. Now hopefully it's a good day and were only working 9 hour shifts instead of 12's but that's always up in the air since were "Special Ops" so to speak. Anyways yeah we fix everything on the planes basically...we're the busiest shop on the base, but hey at least i don't get bored at work...usually.

I'm only an Airman 1st Class (E-3 for you jarheads and grunts out there) so basically I don't get to boss anybody around yet, and I'm only two rungs up from the bottom of the latter. Some days I feel like I want to get my commission and be an officer, but it's a lot of work so I might just be too lazy to do it...although the pay would be nice.

After a long day of fixing planes so they can go kill the people that need killin', I go back to my comfortable dorm room and take a power nap. Then my buddy Joey usually wakes me up to go work out...which I usually try to get out of but I end up going anyways somehow.

After that I eat a delicious meal at the chow hall...umm err I mean the "Dining Facility", which isn't that bad compared to the garbage they feed to all the members of the other branches.

Then this is the point in my night where it's up in the air...so I can't say that I have a normal routine for this point in the night.Anyways that's my day as an Airman in the Air Force, I mean it's alright I guess.

Right now my best bro Eric's in bootcamp because he decided he wanted to be a jarhead. The funny thing is I tried to talk him out of joining the military, especially the marines...but he did anyways. However, he enlisted right after I finished my leave...so everyone blamed me and said I "conned" him in to joining. Oh well

Well that's all for now...enjoy!

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

Well first off I just received a birthday card that was signed by pretty much all my friends and family, and I'd just like to take the time to thank everyone on here who signed it...it really made my day.

A lot of people take for granted the special days they get to spend with their family, whether it be holidays, birthdays or whatever.  I think that was the biggest adjustment of going into the military is being away from home for Christmas, new year's, easter, birthdays, and the fourth of July.

I guess what makes life hard sometimes is the only people I hear from back home are my family, and that bums me out because I thought I'd have friends that would at least keep in touch...you know a call every once in a while to see how things are going or at least an e-mail or something.

I think that birthday card is the only time I've ever heard from anyone at my church (except for when I was home) it just hurts having grown up and gone to church there and not being as close to them as I once was.  To agree with Chris, I know my heart has changed and I've felt your prayers.

There's been a lot of reasons to go to church lately, I find my chaplain suddenly running into me randomly inviting me to church, I also find my mother coming down for my birthday this weekend and her wanting to go to church with me.  So I'd just like to thank you Chris and whoever else has been praying for me because as far as I've strayed off lately...I've felt it.

Eitherway life's going pretty well I suppose...I'm finally getting all settled in and a day to day routine going.  I just can't wait to see my mom this weekend for my birthday, it's going to be fun!

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

So not much has been going on lately, it's been fairly easy at work lately.  However, I was driving to work the other day and I look in my mirror and base security is behind me with their lights flashing.  I didn't know what I did, so when he pulled me over he told me I was doing 36 in a 25.  I've only had my car at the time for three days, but I could've swore the speed limit was 35.

He told me there was a sign with the speed limit posted, but when I went back later there is no sign...so I'm deciding if I'm going to fight my ticket or not.  Regardless, when you get pulled over on base you don't get a fine, you get points towards your base driving priviledges and you have to see your first sergeant or commander to explain to them what you did.  I'd rather pay the fine because I got a new one ripped, but luckily they didn't take away my base driving priviledges...so it could've gone worse.

There's talk of a possible hurricane evacuation this weekend, but I hope there isn't.  I don't feel like going through all the trouble of relocating, especially on the weekend!  Anyways I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight or this weekend yet, so I'll have to figure something out.

Anyways that's all for now, later.

P.S. I'm officially addicted to green tea now.

Sunday, August 6th, 2006
Talladega Nights

So yesterday I hung out with greg and ruddi.  We went to guitar center and just screwed around on different guitars for a while.  In fact I didn't buy anything at all, so that was cool.  Then we went to Ci Ci's pizza to eat, which is always good.

After that we went and got tickets to see Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.  I'm still debating whether or not this is Will Ferrell's best movie.  It's funny the whole way through with the same traditional random humor you'd find in Anchorman.  It's definitely a great movie, so I recommend anyone looking for a good laugh to go see it.

Today I don't know what I'm going to do, probably just chill because of work all this week, so we'll see.  That's all for now, later.

Monday, August 7th, 2006

I don't know what's going on these days.  I find myself having trouble with the ladies these days.  It's not that I'm having problems meeting anyone, or that I feel like I'm that big of a jerk.  See here's my problem, I'll meet someone that I'm interested in and have some good conversations with them, and maybe a fun time out.  Just as soon as it feels like it's going to go to the next step I totally wig out.

I can't help it, and there's nothing I really have in my past to use an excuse to blame it on.  Maybe I'm not ready to have a girlfriend, and to have the long calls on the phone as an everyday thing.  Sometime's I feel like an dick for being this way, but I can't help it...it's just who I am.

Hopefully soon or one day down the road I'll meet someone who can understand that I just need a little bit of space in the beginning.  Feel free to comment if you have any thoughts on this, because maybe there is something I can do, but for now I'm just going to not worry about it because I can't change who I am.

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

So anyways I was just screwing around on my computer here a few minutes ago, when I came across a folder full of poems I wrote two to three years ago.  It just still amazes me how depressed I was that year.  It's one year I wish I could have back because it was basically a year wasted.

Growing up and having gone through my recent experiences I guess my outlook on life is just way more positive than what it used to be.  I remember in tech school one of my classmates was having a bad day, and our instructor said to her, "Are you still alive?" she answered yes.  "Are you in the desert right now?" she answered no.  "Well then you're not having a bad day, so cheer up!"

Going through high school in a generation full of "emo" kids, you realize how many kids feel depressed.  Why though?  I don't know maybe it's something you learn as you grow up, but there's only one thing that really should cause any type of sorrow, and that's a death of someone close to you.  Not because you got made fun of at school, not because you're so called girlfriend broke up with you.  Kids today are pissing away their youths because of trivial things, and I hate to see it.

So that's my take on things for now, later.
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