yeS ..KEePin iT gaNgSta!!
28% of me is filled with jealousy.
Aren't you JEALOUS? yEah WeLL...
What Jelly Belly flavor are you? I'm -
Find your flavor here! yEs thats my favorite kind!!
Which monkey are you? hEhE thats cute lol
aiight anyways i havent updated in a while and i think manda is redoing my layout hopefully she does cuz it looks like shit...
today was okay.. theres only 7 more days of school left!! woop woop!!! this weekend jasmine was over.. we jus went skatin nothin really special.. we went to the beach on sunday with my fam it was fun.. we both got clothes and i got a henna tatto of the asian sensations sign yeS! lol its starting to fade tho... umm i really really have zero words to write so i'll holla! and update.. sometime lol holl@cha girl
*SaMmiE CaLdWeLL*