Jul 22, 2004 22:36
Ok, for 2 nights in a row the Indians have been shut out, not scoring a run in last nights or tonights game. And int he games before we've been hitting home runs everywhere! And those umpires have it out for us! Last week in a game at Seattle Omar Vizquel got thrown out of a game for flipping his bat and helmet down at the plate after striking out. He didn't even say a word! The manager was thrown out too for agruing, and let me tell you after he was thrown out he really gave the umpire what for! I think one of our pitchers got ejected too for hitting a guy...yea White got thrown out. Then the next night againest them the manager got thrown out but I cant remember what for. Last night our pitcher got ejected for hitting a guy and again tonight Matt Lawton was ejected for throwing down his bat at home plate! What is going on w/ all these ejections!?!?! Another thing....the last week the other teams have been hitting our hitters left and right! In the one game there was a warning and then that's when White got ejected but it was an accident that he hit someone! It was totally unfair! I think the game that started it all was when we were winning 18-6 and the opposing pitcher purposly hit Merloni and that was the game where the benches emptied. Let's hope we get back on track here soon and win!