Nov 05, 2008 11:53
I love you, George W. Bush
Dear George,
This is sincere. I need to thank you for being so impossibly, uniquely you.
Thank you for your blind, stupid ambition, enough to seize a job for which you hadn't even an inkling of qualification, doing so on the all-but-defeated steam of your lamentable namesake. Thank you for seizing your party's nomination from a host of better-qualified Republican candidates.
Thank you for being in the pockets of big oil and corporation, favoring the interests of money and power with no regard for the people you supposedly represent. And for that matter, more accurately, in the pockets of a bull-headed but exponentially shrewder (albeit diabolical) Dick Cheney.
Not once, but twice, you brought me to confused, mouth-agape moments of terror, the likes of which no terrorist has come close to striking into my heart. You did this so many times, right from the start or your reign, as you literally stole elections you did not win.
Thank you for seizing control of Congress and crowning yourself not only President, but King. Thank you for shredding the Constitution. Thank you for shitting on civil rights. It is a truly special individual who can handily throw down edicts without the slightest notion of their respective meaning, let alone any appearance of conscience or compassion for any interests beyond his blind, stupid ambition. You truly took the cake, George... in so many ways.
Thank you for being the dumbest President in history, and certainly, the least capable orator this country has ever seen. Thank you for not even being smart enough to be as far right as the poorly-delivered, always-scripted rhetoric falling out of your pie-hole would have it. (Or... really... that should be booze-hole, yes?)
Thank you for pissing off the whole world, alienating majorities of peoples on a planetary level and finishing off by even pissing off the sleepy masses who actually thought it prudent to vote for a President based on the concept of a beer buddy, and literally, nothing more. And in fact, so much less than even that. Because in the end, even your beer buddies want to see you lynched.
And you did this while pissing off your Wall Street buddies all at once. I guess I didn't give you your due credit as a capable multi-tasker. Taking a balanced budget and creating castrophic debt and worldwide as well as domestic terror in banks, streets, homes, skies, forests and seas while spinning this web of disaster that will last for years beyond your so-called Presidency,
You, the golden good old boy of all time, did something shockingly, historically essential and necessary-- you woke us up. You gave us the most impossibly, painful contrast to peace, prosperity, hope and freedom that we could not HELP but raise our hands to the sky and PLEAD for these things for which our country is supposed to stand. You reminded us WHY it stands for those things. BECAUSE WE LIVE FOR OUR FREEDOM. WE WILL HAVE IT NO OTHER WAY.
You called forth from the drowsy American ether the smartest orator since Lincoln, maybe ever. Your dull bigotry called forth sharp change-- from a real, qualified viable female Presidential candidate, to the first black President Elect. Even the Republican Presidential was also a viable candidate, and while his running mate was plainly not, she was female. I credit your bumbling with that step forward.
Your warmongering made us CERTAIN we want peace, in our country as well as around the world. Your humiliating approach to something that cannot be soberly called foreign policy made us KNOW in our SOULS that we want to work WITH the many peace-seeking nations and peoples around the world. Your greed made us see our own more clearly and long to be more compassionate, again, both at home and abroad.
You brought us a historic moment, George. You took me from shell shock and rage at stupid, stolen elections powered by the notion that we are a country of people asleep at the wheel, to what is arguably the most historic Presidential election in the history of this country. You brought me, to my own surprise even, the first election that brought me to tears. Tears of joy.
You brought us a true dimplomat. You brought us a man who SOUNDS like the Harvard graduate he is. You brought us someone with a clear, strategic plan. You brought us someone who is open to bipartisan counsel, a President who listens. You brought us a man who not only embraces civil rights in a deep and profound way, he personifies it. You brought us a man with compassion and intelligence in his eyes. You brought us a man who represents all of us, who IS all of us. You made us care.
By being so quintessentially you-- jaw-droppingly, infuriatingly entitled and lost and apathetic and blind and stupid-- AND NOT MY PRESIDENT-- you have given me and this country the shot in the ass we so desperately needed.
And for that, George, this country will forever owe you a debt of gratitude we can scarcely pay back. You are our Judas Iscariot. You provided the essential, impossible-to-even-imagine contrast that gave us November 4, 2008. You gave us a real President who will be a real President to us all. A President of whom I am happy and relieved and proud to say IS my President.
And for that George W. Bush, I will always love you.
Forever yours,