Sep 20, 2006 13:12
i haven't updated in a very long time. namely because i didn't really have the time or did the urge strike me. besides, not many people read/comment anyway. not a big deal, anyways. so college has begun once again. three weeks into it and i'm loving it. my classes aren't that hard, they aren't too easy. i have an awesome schedule and an awesomer roommate compaired to the shit head i had last year. but there are somethings i've realized in being here that i need to change about my own life otherwise my life is going to take a turn for the worst...
firstly, i need to be more accepting of other people and their personality/mannarisms. i get so pissed off at some people for the way they do certain things, or hell, for the way they look half the time. and that is something i need to knock off. they can't control the fact that they're ugly, or have no fashion sense. and besides, if i keep ridiculing other people, eventually someone is going to hear me and i'm going to get into a fight. they'll loose, of course, but nevertheless, i've already been scracthed once this year, i don't need to add a brawl to the list.
secondly, once i am more accepting of other people i need to be more accepting of my friends. i have some friends that i've really just been pretty fed up with here. some who were pretty close to me and others who i didn't really even give a chance to get close to be before i passed judgement. i really need to try to accept that they are the way they are for whatever reasons, and get beyond the fact that they sometimes act like major idiots. hah, i really need to put my personal vendettas from last year aside and move on.
thirdly, i need to not be so harsh on my loved ones. my loved one. i need to be more supportive of things he wants to do. but i get so caught up in how something he might do is going to affect us that i just freak out and snap. its nothing really horrible that he's going to do but i'm just so worried that its going to affect us in a negative way i immediately shut down. granted, moving to the night shift really wouldn't be a good idea for any relationship, but one that survives on the night... and then taking that way is not the greatest idea. i barely get to see him and when i do, its usually at night. and then there are the weekends. if he ever lost those, i'd die. luckly i get to see him every other weekend which is really nice. its unfortunately that our other way of communication is the goddamned phone. i used to love the friggin' phone now i hate it. being in person is just so much better.
lastly, i need to step up my game in my classes. i'm such a procrastinator that i just let things go for far too long and by the time i start them i end up being so stressed because i've waited. i've been doing a really good job so far with my time management, but i need to do better. i've been keeping an "AGENDA BOOK" this year and that's been helping, actually. so i need to step up my game HARDCORE.
all in all, i need to just be a happier person, more accepting of others and their ways. i hope people read this. i need to go take a shower<3