(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 19:57

the past, the present and the future...

one we can't change, one we don't know how to change and the other we're afraid to change...

yet no one can fucking man up and do things to change things. they sit and wallow in their own self pity, hoping that shit will change one day on its own, hoping that things will go their way, this magical way that will make their lives perfect... this way that will fix all of their broken hearts, mend all the cuts and scrapes they've gotten on the way from falling so hard for this one guy...

well FUCK YOU ALL. you want to change? yet you're all just going to sit around and complain and not do a fucking god damned thing about it? you're just going to sit and moan and complain until about how fat you are? or how ugly you are? or how you wish you could be like that girl over there? or want that guy over there...

well you know what? you are fat. you are ugly. you'll never look like that girl and you'll certainly never get that guy over there... if you keep this fucking attitude of how you just aren't good enough. i'm sick of it. all of my friends who i love dearly... are just stuck in their own little egocentric little worlds and can't escape their freakin' bubbles for a second to realizet hat this world we exist in... IS NOT THAT FUCKING BAD.

i'm getting a headache over all of this pointless and menial shit. complaining will get you no where. so fucking act on these things you want to do, these things you want to be... man up and take charge of your own god damned life and stop putting all of this shit on your shoulders and especially on mine.
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