Today was very swell. I came home and ate lunch since I didn't eat it at school to watch the dumb play, for the 2nd time. I just went again to be with my dear Kaleb. So it was worth it.
Then around 4 Niki called and I told her to be at my homestead by 4:30. So she got here and we went into my bedroom and pooped. No we got on the computer for a wee bit and then we left to get Hunter. Then we drove to a place called Jumping Jacks (little kid place) for my cousin's b-day. There were about 12 games and these blow up things for little kids. I thought they'd be huge so Niki and I could go in them too but they weren't. So Niki and I played games the whole time. The best part would have to be getting our prizes though. Niki helped me when this cool little green and yellow dog. Then she got this barbie mermaid, which is the coolest thing ever. She gave me 35 of her tickets because she loves me. So I got these hot purple-pink glasses, a bunch of neon bracelets, two poppy things, and a neon green sparkly easer. Once we got our prizes we left to take Hunter home and Niki talked to him a lot about odd things, but it was very funny. Thennn we came back here and I wanted Niki to stay for a while to take many pictures of the cool things we both got, but her parents came and took her away.
I took pictures of my cool stuff after she left though...don't worry there's not like a million only 6.
yay for little kid parties!
my hot purple-pink sunglasses
two poppy things and easer
cool dog Niki helped me win