(no subject)

Feb 04, 2013 12:26

rest of the b-day weekend went fine, pooped out on Sunday and ended up postponing dinner out.

White Ghost Shivers was a fun concert. Silly, bawdy, old-timey 20s/30s style music.

Moon Tower Inn is open. They are definately on their own time schedule. They are supposed to open at noon. Beer started being served about 12:15, lunch about 12:30 (orders, that is). The Dogs are still yummy - I had lamb and duck.

Mom comes on Thursday, so we started tidying the house. We did about a 1/2 hour in the garage, making a very small dent in the mess. Ah, the joy of being messy marvins.

back to work. Lots of little tensions and procedural stuff to fix. Joy of being in admin.
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