World's Scariest Passport Photos

Sep 08, 2005 23:55

Indeed, I think I now am the proud (?) title holder when it comes to the world's scariest passport photos. I needed to get a new passport since my old one expired many years ago, and thanks to the new U.S. customs/immigration rules, I'll need one every time I visit the States - which is roughly 6 to 8 times a year. And besides, I'll need one for my trip to Japan in November - by the way, so VERY excited about that.

But apparently the new rules require that you do not smile, not one little bit. No teeth showing, not even a glint of white. I know this because they made me take the photo three times because my mouth was apparently ever so slightly open. The result? I have this dead-eyed psychotic look on my face that scares even me. And no, I'm not scanning and showing - you will all just have to take my word that yes, they are that bad.

Of course, the good news is that I'm now one step closer to actually applying for the passport, which for a procrastinator like me is a good thing. I have a lot of travel coming up in the next few months (Montreal in early October, Chicago and Phoenix in mid-October, and then Japan in early November), so having a passport will actually make my life a bit easier. And I'll be able to forego explaining to airline officials that yes, that laminated little card really is a valid birth certificate from the province of Quebec.
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